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MacBook: All keyboad characters

10, December 2019 clemdesign

On MacBook, it can be confusing to enter characters not displayed. Here is the list of all the characters and their combinations ...

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MacOS: Install and set-up NVM

26, November 2019 clemdesign

There are a lot of reasons to install NVM and switch between each Node version. Here is the solution to do it on MacOS...

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Vous avez l'habitude de développer avec le système Windows, mais arrive un moment où vous devez passer sous MacOS! Pas d'inquiètude, voici quelques petites astuces...

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The Macbook keyboard is great, but not all characters are displayed. In this post, there is some shortcuts useful for development... ;)

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If you want to configure a PHP Web development environment on your Mac, here is a guide...

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